Kms windows 10 etkinlestirme
Kms windows 10 etkinlestirme

Bottom Lineīy following the steps above, you can easily activate Windows 10 for free with CMD. If you want to check whether your Windows 10 computer is activated or not, you can press Windows + R keys on the keyboard to open Run box, type slmgr.vbs -xpr in Run box and hit Enter.

kms windows 10 etkinlestirme

Slmgr /ato How to Check If Your Windows 10 Is Activated or Not Type the following command lines and remember to hit Enter after you type each line. If you buy or find the activiation key for Windows 10 Pro, you can replace "Windows 10 license key" in the command line after slmgr /ipk. Copy and paste the following command line in Command Prompt window and hit Enter.

kms windows 10 etkinlestirme

Click Start and type cmd, right-click Command Prompt app and choose Run as administrator. Read More How to Activate Windows 10 Pro with CMD

Kms windows 10 etkinlestirme