Mount and blade roman mod
Mount and blade roman mod

mount and blade roman mod

Archery was a special skill, and often mercenaries already possessing these skills were hired instead of trying to train a recruit to be a good archer. Once the phalanx was broken, the Hoplites would often be slaughtered. Greek Hoplites specialized fighting in a Phalanx with a dory - a 2.5 m pike, and were only pressed into hand-to-hand combat out of desperation. Their infantry tactics evolved around these 3 elements. Roman legionaries trained and drilled endlessly to fight with scutum, pilum and gladius.

mount and blade roman mod

each ancient weapon required lots of training to use effectively.

mount and blade roman mod

I think the current situation is more historically accurate. But i don't like it : you have nice sword anims, you drop the sword, you pick up a bow and the anims are not matching anymore. Well, in LibMod they have attached some specific anims to some specific class of soldiers (which is possible) and not to specific weapons (which is impossible). So I only managed to create two strokegun anims, one when you're standing up and another one when you're prone (well, crouching). The animation part is being reworked ATM, but it's quite complex as in OFP you can't link the anim to a weapon, so all weapons (sword, ax, spear, and even bow) must share the same animations. The combat part in my mod is quite basic, it isn't possible to block a stab nor to defend oneself, it's basically : aim, click and strike. But the close combat part of it, the horse combats and the arrow shell simulations are very nice. Mount and Blade is a great game but it lacks the campaign and freedom aspect of OFP, i'm geting bored quickly with it, and i never liked the "quest" type of the campaign. *mount and blade has always seemed very sub par to me in terms of engaging missions

mount and blade roman mod

well we can always dream :Dĭo you have any future plans for your other projects? such as another release for the Napoleonic Mod or WW1 mod? If I had a wishlist I'd add some custom animations to it, if one of the animators from the Liberation1941 mod had a crack at it the results would be outstanding. Though obviously there's the age old OFP limitations to take into account, and a mod like this would probably be better suited to Mount and Blade In terms of combat* a decent mission with a good story using this mod and OFP's mission editing flexibility will give it a unique edge rarely seen before in Flashpoint. Good luck with this ProfT, looks fantastic.

Mount and blade roman mod